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[KYP]≡ PDF Are These My Basoomas I See Before Me? Confessions of Georgia Nicolson Book 10 Louise Rennison Books

Are These My Basoomas I See Before Me? Confessions of Georgia Nicolson Book 10 Louise Rennison Books

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Are These My Basoomas I See Before Me? Confessions of Georgia Nicolson Book 10 Louise Rennison Books

The latest (and last) installment of the Georgia Nicholson series was a little slower than others. Still hilarious and campy as usual. Wish she'd let us soak up that marvy ending more. Loved it!

Read Are These My Basoomas I See Before Me? Confessions of Georgia Nicolson Book 10 Louise Rennison Books

Tags : Are These My Basoomas I See Before Me? (Confessions of Georgia Nicolson, Book 10) (9780061459351): Louise Rennison: Books,Louise Rennison,Are These My Basoomas I See Before Me? (Confessions of Georgia Nicolson, Book 10),HarperTeen,0061459356,Girls & Women,Dating (Social customs);Fiction.,Interpersonal relations;Fiction.,Theater;Fiction.,Children's Books - Young Adult Fiction,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Dating (Social customs),Fiction,Fiction-General,Great BritainBritish Isles,Humorous Stories,Interpersonal relations,JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Fiction Girls & Women,Juvenile Fiction Humorous Stories,Juvenile Fiction Social Issues Adolescence,Juvenile Grades 7-9 Ages 12-14,Monograph Series, any,Social Issues - Adolescence,Social Issues - Dating & Sex,TEEN'S FICTION - GENERAL,Theater,United States,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Girls & Women

Are These My Basoomas I See Before Me? Confessions of Georgia Nicolson Book 10 Louise Rennison Books Reviews

Like most of the reviewers here, I didn't want the series to end. How often do you find a series like that? Not very often, I'll say! Doesn't that tell you how absolutely wonderful it is?

But Are These My Basoomas I See Before Me? is the perfect ending to Georgia Nicolson's story, because, it's only the beginning. Georgia is, after all, only fifteen. This is a story about first loves, and Georgia does end up with the boy most readers have been hoping for from the start. (I'm not saying who, but you know.)

If you haven't read the entire series yet...well, what are you waiting for? Don't you know what you're missing? The plot so far involves three boys Robbie, the Sex God; Massimo, the super-sexy Luuuurve God, from Pizza-a-Go-Go Land; and Dave the Laugh, who has always been more of a mate except for the occassional accidental snogging. Georgia must decide which boy is going to be her one and only. Georgia also has a group of close friends to help her, laugh with her, and occassionally drive her mad Jas who is in love with Robbie's brother, Tom, and constantly flicking her fringe (Brit-talk for "bangs"); Rosie, who is in love with Sven the Viking and thinks fake beards are tres amusing; Ellen who is, um, er, well...a complete dither spaz; and several others. There's also Georgia's insane family, particularly Georgia's weird Vati and his clown car; her little sister Libby and her bizarre collection of dolls; and the cats, Angus and Gordy. Oh, and we must not forget Georgia's enemy, Wet Lindsay, or the teachers at Georgia's school, or the pervy school janitor, Mr. Atwood. All this--combined with Georgia's wonderfully comic point of view--equals excitement and laughter from the first book to the last.

I don't want to give too much away, but I can tell you I laughed out loud, and cried a bit, and wanted to scream "Yes!" at the end when Geogia finally left the cake shop of love with the right boy, the boy I've been hoping she would end up with since the very beginning. And while I too am sad the series is over, I am so happy it's as wonderful as it is.

It's been wonderful to be pallies with Georgia. She dedicates this book to us, her readers, and asks if we love her as much as she loves us (which is a lot, because, after all, she dedicated this book to us). Well, Georgia, we love you more, and we'll miss you! It's been so much fun hanging out with you, and we wish you and you-know-who all the best. Hugs.
I luuuuurve this series so much, it's another one of those guilty pleasures of reading! The thing is, it's silly, it's crazy, and half of the time Georgia is just a dithering spaz, but that's what makes it so great! You can laugh at her, laugh with her, feel sorry for her, and then want to hit her right up side her head, all in one book.

I first found out about the Georgia Nicolson books in 2002, when I was in 10th grade (hello, forever ago!). I can't remember if I checked it out from the school library, or the local library, but I saw it and checked it out from somewhere... and then when I finished it? I promptly went to check out the rest of the series that they had at the time (which comes out to .. well two books, apparently ha). I remember vividly sitting for my pre-FCAT test, and then trying so very hard not to laugh reading On the Bright Side, I'm Now the Girlfriend of a Sex God because I would have been kicked out and made to redo it. Then again, that sounds like something that would happen to Georgia.. Hmm. Then? THEN, I started hording the books, I pre-ordered the third book, and the fourth, then the fifth, sixth, until I unfortunately fell out of reading for a bit. Even when I DID start reading again I didn't pick up with the Georgia Nicolson series again because I knew my mom wouldn't read it. She prefers her books to have fantastical creatures in it, not crazy self-adsorbed lead characters! Then, the trip to Indiana, and the only point in my life where I had WEEKS with nothing to do, so I started reading - what would ya know?! They had the last three Georgia books (7-9), and so I read them, and I fell back in love with her and her world. Which led me to buy 7-9 & then pre-order #10 Are These My Basooma's I See Before Me? The point in telling you all of this, is that I want you to know my history with the books. To see that even though I went a few years without reading them, that when I finally caught up, I loved them JUST as much as I did before.

Are These My Basooma's I See Before Me? is the last and final installment of the Georgia Nicolson series, and I'm praying that Louise is just pulling our legs, because my life might very well be pointless with out! The last book is no let down from the others either, it's a fun, fast paced, book that follows Georgia around through all her snogging, red bottomosity as well as while she's on the rack of luuuuurve. I loved it, just as much as the others, the only downside is that - like with the other books - it implies that Georgia is the one `choosing' who she'll be with, but really it's the world evolving around her that does the choosing. I would have liked more evolution with her feelings and who she finally chooses or well, who finally chooses her. It's very obvious that she cares about him and he cares about her, but we don't see very much of it, just tiny bits here and there, and it's le crap. And I can't say anymore about the matter or I might ruin it. Sad, because I sort of want to scream TEAM DAVE THE LAUGH! from the roof tops!

Bottom line, if you like fun books, with characters that are just as imperfect as the rest of us, but have a great humor about themselves, and quirky little bits of British information, then the Confessions of Georgia Nicolson are for you. I would guarantee that you'd love them, but I can't. Sadly. So instead I will leave you with Georgia's departing words for us all

Snog on, snog on,
With hope in your heart,
And you'll never snog alone,
You'll never snog... alone.
I agree with other reviews. the ending is disappointing. Spoilers here. I am team dave the laugh. Jas liked him best, and Georgia got along so well with him. She was always so tongue tied around Robbie and Massimo. But she got along so well with dave. Then, to have Georgia just rebound with dave (although its funny how she calls him her girlfriend) after Massimo leaves, is very disappointing. I started out rooting for Robbie because a. she ended up with him in the film and b. she wanted him so much, but I like dave best. He lives up to his name and I just wanted to see Georgia with him. I really would have liked to follow Georgia until she was done with school, like readers did with alice in the Phyllis Reynolds Naylor series. I really think there should have been one more book, or at least a better ending
The latest (and last) installment of the Georgia Nicholson series was a little slower than others. Still hilarious and campy as usual. Wish she'd let us soak up that marvy ending more. Loved it!
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