The Complete Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tales Hans Christian Andersen Lily Owens 9780517092910 Books

The Complete Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tales Hans Christian Andersen Lily Owens 9780517092910 Books
very easy to read on my Kindle Fire. I can hold it better than a big thick book. Love it!!
Tags : The Complete Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tales [Hans Christian Andersen, Lily Owens] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Lilly Owens, ed. Illustrated edition of 159 cherished tales that have enchanted readers for generations. Includes The Ugly Duckling,Hans Christian Andersen, Lily Owens,The Complete Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tales,Gramercy,0517092913,Classics,Fairy Tales & Folklore - Anthologies,Sale Books,Bargain Books,Children's BooksAges 9-12 Fiction,Children's stories, Danish,Children's stories, Danish;Translations into English.,Classic fiction (Children's Teenage),Denmark,Fairy Tales & Folklore - Collections by Author,Fairy tales,Fairy tales, folk tales, fables, magical tales & traditional stories,Fairy tales.,Fairy tales;Denmark.,Fiction anthologies & collections,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Fiction Classics,Juvenile Fiction Fairy Tales & Folklore Anthologies,Translations into English,Juvenile Fiction Fairy Tales & Folklore General,Short stories,Children's Fiction,Traditional stories (Children's Teenage)
The Complete Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tales Hans Christian Andersen Lily Owens 9780517092910 Books Reviews
I was thrilled to find a truly COMPLETE collection of Hans Christian Andersen's folk/fairy tales! I have a collection, inherited from my mother (published in the first few years of the 20th C) with beautiful illustrations on nice rag stock paper--but it does not include every H.C.A. tale. This book is complete, though of inferior quality as a book. To begin with, it includes not many, nor the best illustrations--and all of those in black and white. The paper is light, thin and cheap (wood pulp paper, I would say).
So to summarize, if you are most interested in just reading Hans Christian Andersen's complete oeuvre, this is a GREAT book. If you want a book that is a beautiful, well-crafted object in its own right, this will probably be a disappointment.
My childhood was a scam!!! My mother never read these to me when I was little. So all I knew was the Disneyfied version. Now an adult, I have been studying all sorts of fables on my own - Charles Perrault, the Grimm Brothers and Aesop. Having read all of them, I must say that Hans Christian Anderson beats them all in spades. "The Little Mermaid" and the other classics are so much better in writing than they are on screen, as is so often the case.
Primarily, it's his writing style; he doesn't pretend that children are stupid, he writes using fine language, which makes reading it enjoyable for even adults. Now I know that they taught children back in the day to read straight from the King James version of the Bible. If only we had such high standards today!!! So his choice of words can be verbose. But it's not just that. Anderson also combines vivid imagery with a story that's well-paced. The stories are full of details. That's a winning combination.
Sure, there are some stories that are dull and not worth reading. But there are also hidden gems. To anyone who's lost a child to death, "The Angel", for example, would be a reassuring read. "The Shepherdess and the Sheep" is also quite endearing.
My daughter wanted to know what the REAL Little Mermaid story was like, so I bought this. We have had several good discussions about how "Disneyfied" fairy tales have become; how monsters are really just misunderstood; how fairy tales have to have a happy ending these days as opposed to the original purpose of fairy tales to teach children about dangers in the world and that they can avoid or overcome it. I believe it was Chesterton (?) who said that fairy tales were not written to teach children that monsters did not exist, but to teach children that monsters could be defeated.
Another GORGEOUS (and affordable!) antique-book reproduction from Calla Editions by Dover-- it's lusciously illustrated with both pen and ink drawings and full-page colored plates. The other review on here, titled "disappointing" (which gives it 3 stars) is meant for a different edition--one from 2010-- 7 years before this edition was printed!
In-depth details light blue, clothbound covers; the pictoral pastedown on the front cover is black, blue and ivory; navy blue ink stampings on front cover and spine; illustrated endpapers; blank back cover. A puzzling but impressive detail is that every single page of text is printed on the same stiff, high-gloss paper typically reserved for color-plates. This is strange but great as it will hold up better over time, will resist yellowing or staining, and is acid free. Pretty cool.
These tales were the friends of my childhood (many, many years ago) reread again and again and again, and it is very good to revisit them. Their frequently strong and obvious moral content did not put me off. On the contrary, it had the desired effect of increasing my desire to be a better person. Some of the saddest tales made me cry, but I still loved them. And the sad endings prepared me for the fact that, in real life, there are also sad endings. Their originality is captivating. Certain images have stayed with me through the decades. The sanitized, fluffy, happy ending Disney versions have removed the heart of these stories. If you have no faith, you will not like these tales. If you don't like stories with obvious moral content, you will not like these tales. If you believe that children should be coddled and protected from any of the darker aspects of life, you should stick to the Disney versions. But you will be denying yourself a world of wonder and beauty, a world with a heart and a soul, a world with images that remain pertinent to this day. I believe that every child should hear at least some of them.
I ordered this collection of Hans Christian Andersen stories after looking at many options, specifically because I wanted a good selection of stories with beautiful illustrations for my children's library. I had Googled some Honor Appleton illustrations and loved them. Unfortunately, none of her gorgeous paintings are in color in this book and some do not translate well to black and white reproductions. Others were black and white pen drawings and are just fine here. But I would not have bought this had I known I was not getting any color paintings. Now I will look about again and perhaps order the Michael Hague collection. This book is also a bit small in dimensions to make a good read-aloud-with-pictures version
The full contents of this book are as follows
The Snow Queen
The Little Match Girl
The Princess and the Pea
The Garden of Paradise
The Steadfast Tin-Soldier
The Little Mermaid
Ole Luk-Oie
The Tinder-Box
What the Moon Saw
The Fir-Tree
The Girl Who Trod on the Loaf
Little Ida's Flowers
The Red Shoes
The Travelling Companion
very easy to read on my Fire. I can hold it better than a big thick book. Love it!!

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